This 100-page activity book full of easy, easy, easy English lessons will engage your entry-level students, grades 1 to 6, in productive independent work during those difficult first months.
Simple instructions are written down the side of each page so peer tutors or volunteers can provide the oral language needed. Use This Is Me for homework or for assignments when your new entry-level ESL students are in their mainstream class.
Each page contains a single language concept and a maximum of 8 new words, with opportunities for reading, writing, listening, speaking, and sharing personal information. Easy steps build the student's self-confidence and motivation.
This Is Me is sequenced for survival:
- Self-identification
- Greetings
- Making requests
- Family members
- Body parts
- Numbers
- School words
- Food
- Following directions
A section with cut-out alphabet manipulatives helps with letter recognition and alphabet practice.