The most frequent comment from teachers new to the ESL classroom is: "Thank you. The ESL Teacher’s Activities Kit saved my life!"
You get 280 pages packed with 160 multi-level language-learning experiences that show you how to teach the "Natural Way", with the real stuff of life (without textbooks). From preparation to follow-through, you’ll clearly see what to do and what to say for great classroom results.
Instructions with each activity indicate the age level (K to Adult) and the proficiency level the activity is appropriate for.
Seasoned veterans will also find it useful year after year.
"Shoebox English" activities
- Total Physical Response activities
- Things to make
- Simple science projects
- Action games
- Speaking games
- Guessing games
- Board games
- Card games
- Playground games
- Hand-clapping, ball-bouncing and jump-rope chants
- Plans for parties and trips
- Games to develop logical thinking
- Games to practice specific verb structures
- Scripts for tapes of self-checking listening and learning activities
- A TV Quiz Show game with 300 questions covering six ability levels
- A master check list of grammatical structures and language functions
- Tips on ESL classroom organization and management
- "HOW TO" tips for easing social interactions between ESL students and native-English-speaking students
- 54 reproducible pages for pair activities and speaking games