A completely reproducible resource that provides insight, strategies, and materials for working with beginning ESL students in a mainstream class, in grades 1 to 8
It's also a unique ESL training manual for ESL teachers who want to provide in-service courses for mainstream teachers.
Section One:
- Helps the classroom teacher understand the obstacles facing the not-yet-English speaking newcomers in her class, with suggestions for providing a fully-challenging academic day for them, even when they can't yet understand what's going on.
- It’s "the Reader's Digest version" of ESL insights, recognizing the limitations and pressures on a< mainstream teacher's time and schedule.
- It's written in non-technical language, with the emphasis on practical ideas for mixed classes.
We explain:
- Culture shock, its symptoms, effects, and cures
- The many stages that English language learners go through in learning to understand, read, write and speak a new language.
There are step-by-step instructions for
- Tapping the energies of mainstream classmates,
- Motivating and guiding peer instruction
- Helping newcomers to make friends and maintain self-esteem during the long period of academic adjustment.
Section Two:
- Reproducible diagnostic tests
- Student observation forms
- Student "self-management" forms
These give the classroom teacher tools for measuring and evaluating new arrivals, a resource for producing anecdotal reports on report cards, and data for parent conferences.
The "self-management" form is a motivating device allowing the ESL student and the busy mainstream teacher to see at a glance the quantity and quality of work the ESL student is accomplishing.
Section Three:
120 reproducible activities for entry-level and beginning ESL students in grades 2 to 8:
- Meaningful activities
- Requiring a minimum of explanation
- Stimulating a maximum productive work
These activities can be done independently by the newcomer and are easily checked by an English-speaking peer.
The 6 full-page pictures of common classroom scenes have many uses, including conversation starters and vocabulary builders.
A 12-page reproducible "Welcome Booklet" helps new students understand basic "survival English" in the mainstream classroom.
There are reproducible pages for:
- Alphabet manipulatives
- Cut-and-paste activities
- Vocabulary activities for classrooms
- Art class
- Science class
- Music class
- Animal riddles
- Simple stories with extension activities
- Get-acquainted activities
- Math vocabulary activities
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Telling time
- Social studies activities