In English Language Learners in the Mainstream, A Teacher's Survival Guide, you'll find hundreds of insights, practical ideas and hot tips to help your non-English speaking newcomers survive in your class. Teachers can include their ELLs in their daily lesson plans without abandoning curiculum or stealing time from English-speaking students. The book is derived from Classroom Teacher's ESL Survival Kit #1. Includes: making advance preparations, handling the newcomers' first days, therapy for newcomers' culture shock, and strategies for two-way communication. Techniques to sensitize and enlist cooperation from your mainstream students; explore the English Language Learners best learning modes are and the strategies to reach them that will also help the rest of your class.
What would you include as supplies and equipment in your class for English language learners; how can you test, grade, report to parents, and handle parent conferences? What district policies and practices pave the way for an easier adjustment for newcomers and their families?