It's so easy to use the ESL Phonics for All Ages . . . we almost didn't create a Teacher's Guide!
This Teacher's Guide for the first three ESL Phonics Books will point out how the phonics needs of English language learners differ from the phonics needs of native English speakers. This will help you, if you need to justify that to your administration, in case they are pressing you to use materials more appropriate for mainstream students.
Each unit gives tips on pronunciation practice for the sound/symbol introduced, vocabulary tips, and lists of verbs and adjectives using the sound (the student books picture nouns only).
For teachers who are working with full classes of non-readers all at the same level, there's a lot you can do to supplement the acquisition of systematic phonics awareness, and the Teacher's Guide Unit by Unit will show you.
Reproducible Answer Pages in the Teacher's Guide allow students to work at their own pace in the student books with the Audio CDs, and correct their own work. The Guide gives tips for setting up, keeping track, and encouraging students.
The Teacher's Guide is presented for you in a 3-hole punch format in a bound book, so you can remove the answer pages, photocopy them as needed, and keep them in a three-ring binder.