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What's So Funny? An International Student's Introduction to American Humor Kindle Edition

Eardley Publications


File Size: 238kb

Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Not Enabled

Lending: Enabled

Pages: 114


Laugh while you learn about American Culture. What's So Funny? is a unique, many-angled approach to break through the cultural and linguistic barriers to American humor. It was designed for intermediate and advanced college conversation classes, foreign business people, immigrants and visitors to the U.S.--and anyone else curious about why Americans laugh. What's So Funny? contains over 200 American jokes, tested for funniness, with the background of insights needed to understand American stereotypes, anxieties, resentments, fears and social tensions. The jokes are in categories: school, children, college, professors, men, women, marriage, drunks, psychiatrists, patients, policemen, bosses, barbers, waiters, modern times, inflation, crime, government, politics, religion, taxes, human imperfections and stupidity.

This is a "clean" jokebook, with no sex, bathroom, or vulgar jokes.