Voices of Our New Neighbors is a sampling of immigrants’ stories previously selected for “This Is Your Page” in Easy English NEWS. With their limited language, the writers in Voices of Our New Neighbors portray the events and emotions that they experience in their new homes. Seeing life through newcomers’ eyes, you will experience the excitements, confusions, embarrassments, and eventual successes in learning English and becoming part of our great nation. The stories have been edited for grammar, word usage, and length, but the message is unchanged and the charm, depth of feeling, and sincerity shine directly from our new neighbors. In Volume Two our new neighbors write of their encounters while shopping, eating in a restaurant, dealing with the police and other bureaucracies, and tell some hilarious misadventures with the English language that embarrassed them at the time, but became funny memories since.
In addition, writers share the culture and holidays in their home countries that are so different from life here in the U.S. Great as a reader for ESL classes.