This is an ESL teacher's treasury of six reproducible supplementary materials that you can use with class after class, year after year.
Show Off!
The game designed to encourage and practice non-verbal communication. Splendid to play in those ten-minute moments at the ends of class, or on holidays and for a reward to the class for missions accomplished. It's so much fun, they won't know it's educational, developing abilities they'll need when they don't know the English word for an item they want to purchase or talk about.
Holiday Song Book
A large-print set of 18 reproducible traditional holiday songs from Thanksgiving to New Years. Each song is illustrated and has word help.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Plus a translation into simple English, plus word help.
A chart of the presidents of the United States with numerous details to encourage skimming, matching, categorizing, surmising, memorizing, and many other activities to familiarize students with a framework of an important aspect of American history. Reproducible activities for practice in gleaning information from a chart.
Words that English has borrowed (and kept) from other languages: French, Latin, Old Norse, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, and many more. An amazing demonstration of the "stickiness" of words in English, demonstrating why English has the largest vocabulary of any language in the world, with over a million entries in the Oxford English Dictionary.
A comprehensible Conversion Chart to reproduce for each student to familiarize them with equivalencies of the U.S. system of measurement with the metric system.